Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What day is it? My, I am not sure that I can tell you. Still working.

I built something today with which I was pleased. I had an idea, executed it, and have made a contribution to our message. In the midst of the chaos, in the midst of the larger needs looming, this one piece of work gave satisfaction and purpose for a brief moment in time.

I also had a meeting in which I spoke with someone about what I see: she very well may not have what is needed to succeed in the path which she wishes to follow. It was a strange sort of conversation, for I had peace about my words, conviction that what I was saying was needed, yet she was in tears. She did not disagree with that which I noted. She admitted to lacking the skills needed in this field. Yet she did not want to hear me challenge her to reflect upon whether or not she could acquire what she needed to accomplish her goals. Perhaps she should choose another path.

This conversation has given me pause. There is so much that I do not understand, so much that perplexes me. I am accused of having high standards, ones not everyone can meet. Yet, I think...if you want to work in communications, you have to know the rules of grammar. How is proper comma usage a high standard? I see it as a basic requirement. It seems to me that most do not.

My list has grown, yet I have taken care of a few more items. The greatest remains outstanding. I am too tired to tackle it correctly. I am too tired to really tackle anything. I have two more tasks I'd like to do before I sleep.

Perhaps three...

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