Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I spent last night on into this morning working on the job search. Trying not to be discouraged on the whole matter is a gargantuan task. I chose six new job listings, all of them a bit of a reach, but all of them within my skill set. Since they are not the most perfect fit (as several of the no-response resume submissions were), I am most discouraged about the possible response rate on these hopes of mine I sent on out to the cold, cold world of business.

~~~~ I had a melt-down with Cox Cable twice today. I have had service interruptions several times an hour dating back to May. I procrastinated on making a service request, because, in my experience, calling for assistance is NEVER easy. Two months, three appointments, five calls, two supervisors later, I am still having the service interruptions. Really, why do I bother?

~~~~ I finally managed to remember to wash the curtain where Madison left a "deposit a wee bit ago. Four times, I have done laundry and then spotted the curtain when I was through. Now, if I can only manage to remember to get some steel wool for my most favorite pan. My friend B suggested that I try a combination of baking soda and vinegar on the burnt corn pan bottom. While the chemical interaction was so interesting that I repeated the experience three times, I still ended up with a still ruined pan. Besides being my grandmother's pan (she never would have burned the corn), it is the most perfect pan for cooking Malt O'Meal. I have high hopes for that steel wool...

~~~~ On my list of Monday accomplishments, I neglected to add 11 thank you notes and letters that were long, long, long overdue.

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