Friday, November 29, 2013

Tending things...

My friend Mary suggested that I approach Thanksgiving in my own way, since I have neither family visits or feasts on holidays.  My family always choses to go elsewhere.  And I am really alone here.  So, I took her advice.  I spent Thanksgiving tending to the things for which I am grateful.

  • I changed the sheets on the bed, savoring the old-fashioned cabbage rose pattern my mother gave me.
  • I washed, dried, folded and put away the laundry, grateful for a system (using the timer) that helped me finish all in one day and grateful for the efficiency of the new-ish washing machine.
  • I ran and then emptied the dishwasher, ever so grateful for both how easy it is to clean dishes and for the lowering of my monthly water bill.
  • I updated my medical expenses spread sheet, thankful for the technology that helps me keep track of such things and the insurance program that helps cover those who are disabled.
  • I made a fire, savoring its warmth and beauty and being thankful my best friend who taught me how to properly build a fire.
  • I gave Amos a bath, swaddled him in his favorite towel (with a baby tucked close), and sat with him before the fire, reveling in my lavender aroma therapy.

    As for tending to myself, I watched all three football games, painted my fingernails GREEN (that makes me laugh whenever I look at them), allowed myself to eat two of the Peanut Butter Nutella Cheesecake Bars that are amongst all the sweets piling up in the freezer, read aloud the entire Large Catechism, and prayed through the Psalter as the day passed from early morn to early morn again.

    I admit that one of my weaknesses is the jealously I battle knowing others are out there eating turkey and gravy.  Sadly, no amount of Peanut Butter Nutella Cheesecake Bars can distract from that bit of reality.  SIGH.

    At least being alone means not having to explain why there are no green beans on my plate.

    I am Yours, Lord.  Save me!

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