Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Unexpected blessing...

I want to write more about this day, but it is already extremely late and I am exhausted, so I will write just the last best part:  I made hummus muffins!

I found the idea of hummus muffins rather intriguing and set out to try them tonight.  These Spicy Humus Muffins are far better than I had even hoped.  They are crusty on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside.  I did tweak them a bit, but clearly I did no harm to the recipe.

The hummus I used for the recipe is the Lemon Basil Humus I learned to make this week.  Yes, I am at the moment, a bit obsessed with hummus and chickpeas as a way of distracting myself from other happenings in my life.  I even found a recipe for roasted chickpeas that I am also tempted to try, although those sound less tasty than the idea of hummus muffins.

These are savory and BLOODY FANTASTIC and pretty much everyone should race out, buy some chickpeas and the other ingredients and make them post haste!

This is actually the first batch of hummus I made that was a little too strongly flavored, but you can see that it is still smooth and creamy.  I ended up on YouTube looking for hummus help and combined a recipe from there with the one I had tried to get the end result that was subtle and flavorful and exactly what I desired.

I was a bit reluctant to use the last of my good batch of hummus for the hummus muffins, but I might possibly now have four more cans of chickpeas in my cupboard.  Really, I should have no running-out-of-hummus angst.

Today, among other things, was filled with three separate bouts of nausea.  If I do not have refills of Zofran until the new GP in late January, life is going to get rather difficult rather soon.  SIGH.

I would like to note, at least, on this abbreviated entry, that the hummus muffins are an example of one of the unexpected blessings of life with dysautonomia. Yes, I just actually typed that there can be blessing in this life of suffering, this life of wretchedness.

You see, if I did not have such terrible troubles with gastroparesis and digesting processed food, needing to get away from preservatives and other unpronounceable ingredients as much as possible, I would never have dared to become a person who makes food from scratch.  And I have become that person.  Yes, I have a very long way to go as One Who Cooks, and I do honestly doubt that I can become a bread maker, but the absolute success of the hummus recipes filled me with unalloyed joy this evening.  I was proud of what I accomplished and am deeply thankful for the culinary path dysautnomia set me upon.

I do, somehow, have need a few more mason jars.  I half despair of finding myself driven out of house and home by all the ingredients I am accumulating.  And I most fervently desire a stand mixer so that I can explore recipes that take more mixing strength than I have to give.  But, despite my bodily misery, I am a woman who, now, can make most impressive, savory, and rather intriguing hummus muffins!

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