Monday, June 01, 2015

Lesson learned...

What did you do yesterday?  

Tried to watch NASCAR and fell asleep.
Tried to watch the first season of "Grimm" and fell asleep.
Tried to watch "The Fifth Element" and fell asleep.

I'm paying the piper for all of that over-working.  I was also violently nauseous for over 24 hours and I think that one of the generic versions of Zofran makes me sleepier than the other one.  I have bottles upstairs and downstairs and both are different.  One is round and one is oval. I think the round ones cause drowsiness to a greater degree.  Maybe.  My blood pressure has been low, too.  And when I have such wild swings, it wearies me.

Of course, the monsoon we had also foments drowsiness.
And the lingering grey days.
And being lonely.

In case I have not quite conveyed the magnitude of the monsoon-like rain we can get here, I went to take out the trash and discovered that the garbage men had left the lid open after they came mid-Saturday afternoon.

There is over 14 inches of rain water in the trash can.  Even if you account for the indentation of the wheels, that is still a colossal amount of rainwater from one storm.

I have been working up the energy to go out and unclog the water fountain, because that would be a mental boost to me.  I LOVE ME GREEN growing things and wind chimes and water features.  I haven't yet worked up the energy, but I am trying.

Today, I am enjoying the third season of "Vera," one of my most favorite of BBC shows primarily because it is set in Northumberland and everyone is "Love" or "Pet" ... old and young, male and female.  Such lovely language use there.

It's been a bit hard to track BBC shows of late.  Amazon and Netflix and Hulu+ have sort of swapped licenses.  Well, fought feral-dog-against-feral-dog for them.  I watched the first two seasons of "Vera" on Amazon.  Now it is over on Hulu+ and that company obviously acquired the rights to the 3rd season. [I hope it gets the others.]  I had a great little chart telling me where all my favorite British, Canadian, and Australian shows were, but it's outdated now.

Mostly, what this means is that I didn't realize that just because you could stream something now, doesn't mean you can stream it later.  So, some of those DVD series that I sold to raise funds for upgrading my technology 18 months ago are ones I wish I still had.

Lesson learned.

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