Wednesday, September 16, 2020



Ever since the long illness, PVCs have become a part of my life.  February 20th was my first symptom. Three days later I had severe viral bronchitis. Eventually I had viral pneumonia.  Then I had pleurisy. Along the way, the strain of all this brought PVCs.  And stressed my nervous system, too.  My stomach is as yet undiagnosed, so it could be the illness, it could be from a rather strong antibiotic I had previous, or it could be from something else.

Today, just before two in the afternoon, I had the worst PVC "attack" to date.  I vomited from it and was still nauseated when it was over.  I am fairly certain the palpitations were the PVCs, because I am fairly certain my pacemaker was doing the ventricular pacing.  It was forcing me to stay at 120, with those terrible flip flops happening more strongly than I have ever felt, like a war was going on inside me. When everything subsided, I leaned over and grabbed my Zofran, cleaned my face up with my water bottle, took the med, and lay down. I was so very shaken and weak.

I spent hours trying to recover from that.  
I still feel rather horrible.
I just took more Zofran, remembering it's long past the 8-hour window.

I sent a message off to my cardiologist not too long after.  I think. Maybe it was a while. Before the office closed.  I did because if their wasn't a warning on the monitor (if the nausea wasn't from a heart event), then he could look at the monitor to see if it was a PVC and how long it lasted. They had calmed down a bit by July. And Becky's visit made them rare.  This one sideswiped me! It's intensity terrified me.  I hope he does his "It's just fine routine." where he goes on about the crappy disease I have and this is precisely why he stuck a pacemaker in my chest that comes with a free home monitor!  Lucky me.

My head aches.  It's been aching for two days now.

I'm scared to go to sleep after what happened this afternoon.  I wish someone would sit in the recliner in my room and read (listen to me breathe).

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