Monday, May 28, 2007

Mowed today. I didn't faint, but I did vomit three times trying to finish. I thought about calling someone to help me, but really, who is there to do so?

I had the surgery because I was having excessively long and horrible cycles. Last Tuesday, I started bleeding again, even though I was told I would not have a cycle as long as I took this shot every three months. The surgeon wanted my reproductive system to rest. By Friday morning, the cramps, nausea, and diarrhea started as well. Thursday, she gave me pain pills, which I started taking Saturday after I finished an interview for an article I am writing. So, I spent Saturday and Sunday pain free, but in a hazy fog.

I have lost seven pounds since Thursday. Really, I feel like I am right back where I was a few weeks ago with regard to dehydration and nausea and in the same boat as I was before the surgery. My frustration has reached new heights.

Kashi, my wonderful puppydog, has stayed close by my side the last few days. I think he knows something is wrong. Have I mentioned lately what a great companion he is?

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