Monday, January 07, 2008

I have been remiss in reporting that the stars are aligned in a strange and unusual fashion just now.

How do I know this? I am on this really, truly amazing win streak in Scrabble against B. I have been winning game after game after game. While she has not much enjoyed my success since it means the lack of hers, I have had enjoyment aplenty for the both of us.

I am not sure why, but tiles have been falling into bingos. The high score ones have come my way. I have even gotten a few question mark ones, tiles that usually go to B.

I am trying to break 700 in my ranking, but that might mean B dropping into the 300's...and I panic whenever I fall below 600. I ought not to aspire to such lofty places when it means my dear friend must stay in the basement to do so.

Still, since over the past year the loss has more commonly been mine, I am enjoying the shoe being on the other foot!

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