Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wild thoughts...

The only progress on the back porch has been mine.  And the little I did has made me rather ill.  SIGH.  Hopefully, Firewood Man will be well soon.  I am afraid I might have broken him ... or at least the sight of the lack of support beneath my porch.

I have been a tad bereft at the damage to the back porch floor, but with all the demolition, it really cannot be helped.  With that demolition, a strip of icky, neglected porch floor was exposed on all three sides.

[Yes, my grass is still a most lovely shade of GREEN.]

I have prepped those three (only one photo) strips of porch floor as best I can, both on top and on the edge.  But, like I said, I am feeling more poorly than I have felt in months and months and months.  That little bit of work has felled me.

I believe that Firewood Man is going to have to re-sand the porch floor for me.  I think I could seal it again myself, given that all I have to do is scoot along on my backside.  At least, I hope I can.  Firewood Man doesn't really like teeny tiny jobs.

One problem with no longer having a front (back) wall to my porch and, subsequently, no longer having a door is that I will no longer have an ugly metal threshold to hide the damaged wood.  Firewood Man is thinking of cutting (GULP) out (GULP) a section wide enough and deep enough (DOUBLE GULP) to match the steps and putting in a new board, perpendicular to the porch floorboards to mimic an inset threshold.

In my head, I know he is right.
In my heart, the wood-warming cockles are grieving.

Firewood Man is supposed to power wash the back steps so I can seal them, since I did not do so last year.  I am wondering if it might be better to sand them down a bit so that they are closer in color.  I believe that Tim is planning to replace the handrail so that it matches the new railing.  If so, that will most likely be pressure treated wood that, again, I'll not be able to seal/paint until next year.

My Interior Designer mother has decided that the airing porch should no longer be the brick red of the upper siding and house trim, but rather the airing porch floor should be that red and the railing all white.  The lower railing should also be white, to go with the vinyl lattice that will still be going back in on either end of the porch.

Only I'm having more wild thoughts.
What if I don't put up any lattice????
What if I just have a railing all the way around?????

I've had waves and waves and waves of nausea every day since I switched to the pill version of erythromycin, as well as significant pain in my entire mid-section.  Last night, although the writhing was relatively mild, I did not actually fall asleep until 8:30 AM.  So, I'm punch drunk, nauseous, weak, and overwhelmed.

Is that why I'm having back porch wild thoughts?????????

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