Wednesday, September 29, 2010

alas, I was not done...

Come to find out this morning, as I am trying to walk out the door for an appointment, that I was actually not done with Verizon.

They had canceled my phone when I called last week, even though I specifically gave a date for the disconnect for the following Saturday, since the switch was happening on Friday.  Cox, it turns out, cannot take a disconnected phone number.

So, my alarm has had no service for the past week.  Given that I live off my cell phone, I hadn't even noticed.  Cox did.

After much brouhaha, I was given a new phone number and gave up the one I have had for 12 years that is on all my accounts and such.  SIGH.

I was warned by four different people, also, that I should expect to have unexpected, unpleasant items on my final bill from Verizon.  Such the battle.  I am ready to be done with battles.

Tell me, how in the world does one keep one's voice laced with kindness whilst conversing with people in customer service clearly intent on not serving you?

All the while, I kept thinking about the fact that I am baptized.  If Christ can love me, daily and richly forgive my sins, of which there are so many I can barely stand the thought of them, then surely I can muster up at least kindness for Verizon folk?

Will I ever truly understand Pastor F's favorite parting observation:  Christ is with you in your baptism?

Lord, I believe.  Help my unbelief!

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