Saturday, January 05, 2013

The possible...

Did you know that it is possible to knock yourself unconscious with the handle of a plastic snow shovel?  I didn't.  It is.  Possible.

Shoveling snow is the seminary grad student's duty, but he is ill.  On the chance he goes to church tomorrow, I thought I would clear the fresh snow.  Sadly, I was too ill to take care of the second fall while he was gone, so there is still some hardened snow on the walkways.  But I thought I would at least clear off all the new stuff.

I am not even sure how what happened actually happened.  One moment I was shoveling and the next moment the handle was flying toward my head, clipping me on the right joint of my jaw.  The lights turned out and I awoke on the ground.

This was/is VERY different from fainting from orthostatic hypotension.  I feel ... horrible. And I cannot stop shaking.  Even writing here is more correcting than composing because I cannot really hold my fingers and hands still.

I don't think I will ever look at the snow shovel the same way again.

Lord, have mercy.  Christ, have mercy.  Lord, have mercy.

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