Monday, August 11, 2014

Wave upon wave...

Today, I have been riding violent waves of nausea for hours and hours and hours.  I had planned to do nothing, but thrice I have been scolded by a hummingbird whilst awaiting on Amos—perhaps the same one—so I dragged myself out to the feeders, cleaned, and re-filled them all.

This is the second time that I have executed my new way of doing so.  You see, I kept dripping sugar water on the kitchen floor, which makes for sticky spots that last far to long ... especially if you try to avoid mopping by cleaning them one by one once you spot them.  So, I now mix up the sugar water and fill my watering pitcher with scalding hot water.  I then take both outside, remove the lid of the empty feeder, fill it with the hot water, shake it, empty it, repeat a few times, and then fill it up with sugar water.  Any messy dripping happens outside atop the mulch.  Hence, no need for clean-up and no need to mop my kitchen floor.

By the way, the hummingbird(s) had plenty of time to conduct those scoldings because this is Amos' latest tactic for avoiding the dreaded GREEN grass.  He runs down the sidewalk, hops across the stepping stones, and leaps from the last one up onto the bench.  Then, he stands there and looks pitifully at me.

[You can join me in admiring my GREEN grass in August, if you want.  We've had such a mild, wet mid to late summer.  I'm so very happy to see such lusciousness without my watering!!]

Yesterday, I exhausted my beloved puppy dog by giving him a haircut and a bath.  That meant changing the bedding and doing the laundry.  I also took out the recycling and the trash.  Today, I had some lentils and some granola.  Then, a while later, the nausea began.  I've been battling it ever since, despite two doses of Zofran, two ginger ales and some saltines.  All three help for a while, but the nausea keeps rising again just after it ebbs.  I can eat.  Or, rather, the erythromycin is working because my stomach is emptying.  I suppose it is just that blasted vegus nerve.

I did remember to take a photo of a long-overdue good idea I had:

Ever since I switched over to glass storage containers two (or more) years ago, I have been battling those blasted lids.  By this I mean most of the time I tried to get out a container, the lids would fall.  Sometimes, they fell just opening the cabinet door.  No matter how I stacked them, I couldn't get them to stay put.  Just a few days ago, I finally got the idea to use one of my many bookshelf stands from my old offices to keep the lids in place.  It works just beautifully!

Cabinet peace.  Even as nauseous as I am at the moment, just seeing this photo makes me smile.  One less battle in my life!


Becky said...

Yay for cabinet container lid peace!

Becky said...

Sitting in silence asking for what you need to be given.

She is yours, Lord. Save her.