Thursday, November 20, 2014

Balancing the heat...

A 1,001 articles on the cold weather floating about in cyberspace all talk about winter weather.  It is not actually winter.  It is still fall, more accurately autumn.  But, hey, who cares about accuracy in reporting anymore??  Or in any sort of online opining?  SIGH.

It does matter.
At least I think it does.

Only, the hard part, these days, that unless you know things such as the proper pronouns for person nouns or solstice dates, it is rather difficult to know you are being deceived. A good reason to read both the Bible and the Christian Book of Concord for yourself.

It is very difficult to take a clear photograph if your vision is blurry.  SIGH.  Anyway, I've written about how I deal with the chipotle peppers whenever I use them, but have never shown a photo.  I think.  My rememberer is not all that good.

For the pulled pork tacos, I used the Dr Pepper to rinse off all the adobo sauce from the peppers in the can.  Then, I puree three of them in my mini chopper thingy, with a little bit of Dr Pepper to ensure they mince up well.  This way, there is never a "too large" bit of pepper in the bite of pulled pork to make you gasp and wish for copious amounts of liquid refreshment.

As you can see, with the pork, I put the peppers as a paste on top.  I am not sure why, I just do.  What I have learned is that three gives you a bit of heat, but not too much that sour cream and white cheddar cheese on your pulled pork tacos won't cool the meat off enough to enjoy your meal.  For the record, I personally do not believe in sweating whilst eating due to spices.

For the Chipotle Chicken Chili, I use the beer to rinse off the peppers.  It is harder with that recipe because you have less liquid to work with.  However, if you are careful, you can capture all the adobo goodness without killing yourself through the use of the entire can.

Today, I did not crawl out of bed until early evening.  I am just so exhausted.  Maybe all that laboring I should not have been doing is catching up to me.  Or things going wrong in my body are going more wrong.  For all his issues, Amos has adapted well to extended hours in bed.  He knows that going downstairs for his breakfast does not mean actually getting up for the day.  He will trot back upstairs as long as he sees me heading in that direction, though he prefers to use the main staircase instead of the servants' stairs that I use.  Should I start calling him Master Amos??

I have been falling asleep almost as soon as I close my eyes.  No matter how many times I get up to fetch ice packs or tend to my bodily needs, I fall back asleep directly.  I have been sleeping deeply and remember little of my dreams, which is so odd, even if not remembering the nightmares and night terrors is a blessing.  The litmus test for whether or not I get out of bed when I wake is the level of dizziness laced with exhaustion still remaining.  The time when I think that I can get up and stay up is coming later and later each day.  Today, I seriously contemplated simply staying in bed.  But that makes my back ache ... and almost all my other arthritic bits of me.

I crawled out of bed and took a shower.  Since I am a night showerer (as opposed to a morning showerer), I was all ready to go back to bed.  But I took a shower to try and wake up a bit and to put on fresh pajamas.  I put on my nice pajamas, the ones that are presentable for public ... and purple.  Then, I came downstairs, fed Amos, took him outside, languished in the GREEN rocking chair on the back porch with him in my lap for a long while after he had successfully tended his business, came inside and ate a meal, and then napped for a while.  When I awoke, I decided I would cook the pulled pork as a way of keeping myself awake, since my supply of pulled pork in the basement freezer is dangerously low.

Is is weird that, despite what I am cooking, I set out a jar of lemon chicken and a dough ball to thaw for a gyro tomorrow????

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