Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Being value-added...

The last of the 2015 Great Melt has taken place, save for some lingering ice in my rock river.  So that also means the 2015 Great Winter Poop Pick-Up has been completed.  Amos was quite productive this winter.  He tuckered me out cleaning up after him.

However, Amos has add new value to his presence in my life, despite making messes in the back yard.  He has learned that when the microwave timer goes off, that means I will be getting up.  So, when it goes off, he leaps up and starts walking toward the kitchen.  The value-added part is that I have trouble hearing the microwave timer over the sound of talking, television, or music.  Amos' ears are better than mine.  When he leaps off the GREEN chair or the couch, then I know the timer must be going off.  Hence, I should be burning less food going forward!

Amos practiced his new skill several times this afternoon because I roasted both pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.  Since I stir them every ten minutes, that's four times of getting up for the timer.  The maple chili flavor is so very different on the sunflower seeds, but I do still like them.  I really, really, really like the idea of buying raw seeds to roast and flavor yourself.

I also did a rush job on crafting text for an eBlast.  I am proud of the result, because the topic from the imaged flyer was "Oops!" and was about damaging smart phones.  I wove the text from smart phones to real estate by talking about how the "oops" in our lives oft lead to lessons learned.  I mentioned a client (me) who moved to Fort Wayne and didn't know that you have to unhook your outdoor hoses in the winter.  My hose and faucet burst from the water remaining in the hose freezing and I had to replace both.  Oops.  Lesson learned.

Then I found some other examples of lessons you learn as a homeowner and included the following bullets in the eBlast:

I relished the victory of taking a difficult topic and pulling it back around to real estate and then included the branding agenda of being helpful in communications.

Amos and I were both value-added today.

Since it is all windy, though not very cold, and since I still have mountains of wood, I am having a fire tonight.  For a while, I roasted my feet before the fire.  Today is the first time in a long time where I did not wear wool socks.  So, even though I got to wear GREEN socks, I ended up with blue feet.  Fashion over health is not the best choice.

I'm all warm, now.  Weary, but warm.

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