Monday, November 23, 2015

What I could...

I have tried to get the house ready as best I could for coming back from the pacemaker surgery, knowing that I will not be able to do much then.  Not everything I wished to tend made it to completion.  But I reached my limit around 9:30 this evening.

I got the floors and the servants' stairs vacuumed, the wood floors and the main staircase Swiffered, the bed stripped and changed, the laundry done, and the dog bathed.  I watered plants wintering indoors, including the hanging baskets.  I brewed tea and mixed up Gatorade.  I laid a fire for a time when I feel most particularly poorly to cheer me up.  I took out the trash and the recycling.  I refilled my 7-day medication box.  And I finally remembered that one of my prescriptions is at a separate pharmacy (I usually forget until it sends me a text) and called for an early refill on the morrow.  I am hoping to get the bathroom cleaned tomorrow, but that day is already full.

I have counseling, which is always tiring, and two pharmacies to visit. I also need milk, paper towels, and a few other sundries.  And I need to finish packing.

In part, I stopped because the breathlessness I have been battling got so bad that I was quite worried.  And I was having another spate of fluttering.  I just dislike this so much and hope the pacemaker does make a difference.  Even as I am afraid of what Wednesday will bring.

Tomorrow, though ... tomorrow will bring Becky to help me get through to Friday.  I hope.

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