Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Bleary eyed and behind.

I still haven't packed. I did gather my medicines and extra contacts. And the games are in my back pack.

The suitcase, however, has only my pajamas and robe.

I didn't get home until after 8:00 and began working on typing up instructions for the person keeping Fancy and Madison. I finished those and am taking a break before launching into the instructions for the person who is house sitting and watching Kashi. He needs to know about Kashi and the alarm and watering the plants and other house stuff.

AAWK!!!!!!! I am beginning to panic.

I was told not to be dramatic about it. That it was just packing for a trip. But, my goodness, how many people leave packing for a two-week trip out of the country until the last minute? I still need some euros and a phone card and probably several other items that I do not yet know that I have forgotten.


I am already missing Kashi...

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