Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I had several people tell me that I spoke too fast today. I do not understand what they were talking about? I was just talking...and thinking...and trying to finish all the things that are currently on my plate before my friend and I leave for Italy. But more keeps getting piled on my plate. Each time I glance away, I return my gaze to discover new heights. Five business days is all I have left. Even though my habit would be to work nights and weekends (okay I have been), I cannot work this weekend because there are still several items that I need to find. For example, I do not have a water resistant windbreaker. I have a leather jacket I treated myself to five years ago. Most of the time I wear only layers because I get hot so easily. But we will be in a place where rain and cool temperatures reign. And while I bought some casual clothes a few weeks ago specifically for this trip my focus was continental chic. Now, how does continental chic clothing fit with the outdoorsy activities I hope we find somewhere between Rome or Florence or Venice? What do I do? I have work clothes, sweats, and now continental chic. I have not really have a need for casual clothes because all I do is work and collapse on the weekends. Sweats work fine for me. Well, actually, lately I have worn these great men's pajama pants that I found at Target. My friend has clearly stated that she would not like to see those in my suitcase. So what do I do? I want to be able to do other stuff besides look chic while eating some great Italian food. But how can I think about what I am going to pack, especially worrying about the weight since I cannot bear much weight without having difficulty breathing and I don't want my best friend weighted down with all our luggage and my huffing and puffing behind her...or wincing as I struggle to walk, which is another possibility with being cramped on a plane for half a day, when I have this pile before me and half a dozen tasks that have been put aside over and over and over again and I refuse to have them hanging about once I leave only to face them upon returning. And one of the projects dumped at the last minute is absolutely overwhelming to me even though I am trying to appear as if I have a confident plan for finishing the project. With the basement having flooded, I am also trying to get it dried out before I leave so the person staying with Kashi can stay down there. Although the laminate floor is completely ruined, buckling more and more as each hour passes. Perhaps he would rather stay in my room, but then I wouldn't really feel as comfortable as if he were in the guest space. Kashi would probably prefer he use my bed (his bed) so he will not be torn between his bed and the guest in the basement. I called the credit card company to alert it that I would be making overseas charges, but I keep meaning to call back to confirm that the alert was placed on my account. Because I do not plan to bring a lot of cash. How much cash do I need to bring, though. I have asked several people, but have not gotten a specific amount. And I am a bit worried about Fancy because she is appearing to retaining food in her crop and that would eventually be bad for her. How much more can she do so before it harms her? Will begin gone two weeks be too long to go before seeing the vet again? Kashi had tests on Saturday that I keep forgetting to call about to make sure he is well and will be while I am gone since he is drinking nearly double the water per day that he was a year ago. And speaking of money...between the vet bill and having to replace the shop vac after mine burst into flames, I spent over $400 on Saturday right before I am leaving for the trip of my lifetime and am stretched a bit thin even before I leave but I don't want to forego some great experience there with my friend because of water in my basement and water disappearing from Kashi's bowl. Will Kashi eat while I am gone? I have only left him for a few days before and he didn't eat the whole time. I am worried about leaving him. I will miss him. When I changed out of my work clothes tonight, I discovered that I had been wearing the shell beneath my jacket inside out. What kind of person does that?

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