Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Gospel Harmony Joy Note 3...

My first real Gospel recognition in the New Testament all on my own came in reading Luke 1:6. Luke tells us that Zacharias and Elizabeth were "righteous in the sight of God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and the requirements of the Lord." Now, I know that we are all sinners, so they could not possibly be righteous and blameless and most certainly did not keep *all* the Law. It struck me that the teaching that God only sees us through faith, that that is how we are blameless and whole in His eyes is actually true!

Some of what I have learned of the pure doctrine is hard to accept, being so polar opposite of what I learned in the mainline evangelical church. The idea that God sees me as blameless, does not look at me and see all my sin, all my weaknesses, all my doubts is staggering. Psalm 18 first help me dare think about how God sees us through faith, but here is it in such blunt language. Here is the truth, right from the beginning!

Lord, I believe.  Help my unbelief!

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