Saturday, December 06, 2014

Lessons learned...

  • I've napped five hours since I awoke late this afternoon.  I think it is safe to say that I should not try to go for a walk on the same day that I run errands.  I am just not that strong.
  • When I stopped by Target to drop off my now-controlled-substance paper script (anxiety medication), there was this wall of Milano cookies right at the door.  Candy Cane Milano cookies.  On sale Milano cookies.  I bought a bag.  It disappeared.  I think it is safe to say that Milano cookies are just like Pringles. You are better off if you never open the package/can.
  • I only bought the Milano cookies because I have a Target gift card.  Spending with a gift card engenders little budget guilt.  I think it is best for me to make a law unto myself:  Target gift cards are only to be used for prescriptions.

Oh, my, am I exhausted.  Poor Amos is exhausted from all the sleeping.  I don't blame him, but even sitting up I am fighting falling back asleep.  I am trying to stay up until my next medication dose and then maybe off to bed.  I am weary of sleeping in the GREEN chair.  But I do think it is important to get out of bed at least some part of the day, even if it only means sleeping some place downstairs.


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