Sunday, November 26, 2017

A difficult day...

Yesterday, I tended to the burning bushes in my back yard.  Thankfully, we've had a bit of a warm spell, so I didn't have to work in the bitter cold.  They held onto their leaves so very late this year!

They grow so well that I have to whack them back each fall.  The one year I didn't, they grew over the windows above them!

Whacking them back is not too terribly difficult with the electric hedge clippers ... as long as I do not cut through the power cord.  I've done that three times since owning them.  SIGH.  Not this year, though!

The hard part is the clean-up afterwards.  I used the blower, but it still meant a whole lot of bending over and squatting and standing.  Those two things are what make me faint the most.  If not syncope, then pre-syncope.  Imagine trying to do your yard work whilst battling to remain conscious the entire time.

Such is my life.

Today, I've been battling this terrible drowsiness and dizziness all day long.  I woke up around 1:00 in the afternoon, took Amos out, and then collapsed on the sofa for another three hours.  Then, I took my 4:00 meds, fed Amos, and slept for another two hours.  I took my 6:00 meds, struggled to stay awake until my 7:00 meds, and fell asleep.

I couldn't stay awake until nearly 9:00 in the evening.  That means I was sleeping, mostly, from 2:00 AM until 9:00 PM!  It was as if I somehow took extra of my nerve pain medications.  It's been the weirdest of days.

Amos, though, has been on his very, very, very best behavior.  Normally, when I try to sleep on the sofa in the afternoon, Amos is busy defending the homestead, which keeps me away.  Today, however, Amos was busy snuggling with his puppy momma.

I'd rather not crawl into bed, but it is past midnight (though I'll back date this to keep the entry on the right day for my remembering) and I don't want to stay up all night if I could actually sleep some before whatever bodily misery sets in in the wee hours of the morning.

This morning, I spent hours and hours yo-yoing with my blood sugar.  Crash-correct.  Crash-correct.  Crash-correct.  I loathe when my body does that.  Middle of the night crashes are bad enough, but they are almost unbearable when I cannot find a balance.  Each subsequent crash leaves me even more frightened and insensible.  SIGH.

Still, that doesn't explain why I couldn't stay awake today.  What a strange day after a rather rough night.  Still, there was Amos.  How blessed am I by my beloved Fluffernutter?

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