Monday, October 19, 2009

During the Lord's Supper, for each person, to each person, Pastor speaks the words "given for you" when he places the bread in our mouths and "shed for you" when he raises the cup to our lips.  Given for you.  Shed for you.  For you, Myrtle.  No, he does not speak my name, but the emphasis he places on the word "you" does.  Emphasis he gives to each "you," to each person.  Moreover, he also places his hand on the head of each child, giving a blessing by name, speaking of the grace given in the washing of the holy water of baptism.

I do not know if this is common amongst all confessional Lutheran pastors or just a service this particular undershepherd gives to his flock.

What I do know is that, in our church, the words "for you" rise above the hymns being sung and fill the sanctuary from corner to corner, from door to door.  So, from the first bite to the last sip, whether we are at the alter or in the pew, we are awash in a precious, truly ineffable reminder of the greatest act of love in the universe, one done not for glory, not for power, not for gain.  Instead, the Son of the Creator of that universe, Jesus Christ, willingly suffered an ignoble, humiliating, agonizing death for poor, miserable, wretched sinners. 

For you.  For me.

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