Saturday, December 22, 2012

Scattered pieces...

Dell computer that was supposed to be repaired in about three weeks came back immediately.  Still not working.  I called Dell.  Went a few rounds and then started weeping and struggling.  Since I was unprofessional, the tech support call was ended.  I tried to call back, but my phone number now slates me to customer care, not technical support.  I was on hold for an hour and gave up.

I broke down.
I am still broken.

Not really for the computer, though I did want it repaired so I could sell it.  I couldn't remember the Creed or the Lord's Prayer again this morning, when the nausea/pain/dizziness struck.  I could not move to fetch a hymnal.  I could not do anything but weep and weep and weep.  And faint because I was moving too much.

I want to remember the Creed at least.  I have lost so much.  I know I make little sense at times.  I know I can be so childlike in both responses and thinking.  I just don't want to lose the Creed. I just don't want to have to compensate in yet another way.

I don't want to be me.
I don't want to be such a problem.
I don't want to be that person ... that mess.

Just this ... why cannot I keep just this?  What comes after the second line?  What comes after "earth"?

I am Yours, Lord.  Save me!

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