Thursday, October 09, 2008

I am beyond exhaustion and feeling rather foolish. This contract job is a monster. Yes, I am writing. No, the check still has not arrived.

Today, I finally forced myself to have the mammogram that has been owing for months. I thought I had been more careful about bringing my cane when it might be needed, but I forgot how long the comprehensive exam can take. When my legs collapsed, a very significant portion of my anatomy was still connected to the machine. Another lesson learned.

I was out at the property where we are having a grand opening celebration, in part to plan the beautification details before the event and in part to take photos. Not a single one of the exterior shots was worth even opening up on my computer. I am not sure why I did such a poor job of it.

However, just before I left, I saw these two birds enjoying the mid-morning sun. I stopped my harried hobble to the car and just enjoyed the moment. After starting on my way again, I turned back, lifted up my camera, and snapped this photo.

The building ones were a mess, but all four of the birds were beautiful.


NOTE: My boss believes that MS is not my problem; I am apparently suffering from early menopause. Now, when you have hot flashes, don't you just sweat? I mean, I haven't heard of hot flashes causing weakness, dizziness, confusion, and fainting. Have you? Also, apparently, I am ill because I do not wear natural fibers, nor do I consume fish oil. Dr. Pepper is also, apparently, very dangerous. So, I ditch my wardrobe and clean out my refrigerator and I will be healed. Of course, it would come about quicker with the proper crystals in my home.


1 comment:

ftwayne96 said...

I've seen those birds before. Also, not to be unsympathetic, but I couldn't help but laugh at your mammogram paragraph. Of course, as a male, I don't suppose I really can sympathize, huh?