The sink faucet was broken, so this is the unit I donated through Freecycle. The "new" metal cabinet with a formica countertop was sitting in another corner of the basement. I relocated here so I would still have storage and work space.
Finally, the plumber added a laundry sink, created a proper drainage system for the washing machine, and replaced the fixtures in the shower, restoring function to it. The laundry sink has an adapter for a hose, but I cannot imagine needing a hose on the inside of the house!
I still am not a great fan of that gargantuan table, though thousands of people have told me how great it would be to fold laundry upon...not that I could stand long enough to do so. However, Bettina pointed out it is large enough that I could sit on top of it and still have room for piles of freshly laundered and folded clothing.
All in all, though, the area is now properly wired and plumbed and much more serviceable. I am quite pleased with the result.

In the new and improved "bath," you will now see a functional toilet and a new sink. The toilet is actually the one that was in the parlor, since it is cream and the sink up there is white. The plumber ordered a white toilet, so I sweet-talked him into putting the new toilet in the parlor and move the parlor toilet to the basement. Thoughtful man that he is, the plumber ordered another handicapped toilet for the main floor.
Peaking in the corner of the photo is a curtain. I have not yet figured out how to make this more private. Ideally, if I had a wall built in the parlor, the folding screen could be utilized here. I am wont to simply use a couple of the six curtains I have that would make an effective screen, but I suspect that might be a bit tacky. I need to get a mirror to hang above the sink. I have thought about getting a medicine cabinet, but I am not sure how to mount one in concrete block. Much advice would need to be given for that endeavor. Of course, I also need a toilet paper holder, a towel holder, Kleenex, and soap.
So, as a result of the plumber's mighty labors, this house now has a total of three toilets, five sinks (including kitchen and laundry), one tub, and one shower properly plumbed and installed. Oh, yeah, the uncapped gas line that had been dangling above the giant white table is now reduced in size and capped. No more danger there!
As a result of the electrician's labors, I have properly grounded plugs in the living room and basement, a new light above the vanity, GFIC plugs in the front and back porch so that I can mow the lawn come spring, and no longer have any place where extension cords are being used as permanent wiring. I am still working on getting the seller to make the electrical repairs that were part of the purchase agreement. But, for now, all is complete.
Thanks be to my Good Shepherd who led me to two trustworthy, Lutheran contractors who were able to render safe and solve problems to my plumbing and electrical needs and speak sweet, sweet Gospel to me in the process!
Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!
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