Sunshine labored long on my behalf to hem up the curtains in the living room, dining room, and kitchen, creating copious amounts of visual rest for me. I am truly thankful to no longer have lace hanging down far past the window sill. In my opinion, properly sized curtains also helped to make the kitchen seem larger.
However, I spent far too long on my feet helping her measure, cut, and pin since this was actually the first time she ventured into the mysteries of curtains amongst her sewing endeavors. This morning, I could barely stand the pain of coming down the stairs. I am in agony. Plain and simple.
I set the alarm for 9:30 PM instead of AM, so I missed church. As much as I long for the Lord's Supper, I doubt that I could have endured sitting in the pews for even a few minutes. I am better, though, when I have the Lord's Supper. Oh, how I ache when I miss the opportunity to take in His gift of forgiveness and healing!

I have been calling myself rather foolish for fretting about whether or not to purchase another load of wood. The amount of money is a mere pittance compared to the massive amount of peace I gain from the soothing crackling, popping, hissing and absolute warmth from the fires. Somehow, I need to figure out how to have fires all year long!
In case you cannot get to a fire, I thought I would post a short video of today's effort for your viewing pleasure. Now, this is a result of yet another skill gained: banking coals.
Yep...just like in old-fashioned books...I actually banked coals! Last night, I heaped the pile of ashes upon the remaining embers and piled it high. Today, I spread out the ashes until I turned up some glowing coals and started feeding them some more pieces of mail. Once those caught fire, I added pieces of the latest Dr Pepper box and then pieces of wood.
Voila! Another fire! From banked coals!!!!
So, even though I am definitely utterly miserable from doing too much after doing too much, I am basking in the warmth and peace of a fire.
Would you not agree how loving our Creator is to give us something as precious as fire? Do you ever stop to consider all the ways this element sustains and shapes our lives? Heat. Food. Refining.
Give us this day, our daily bread....
Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!
1 comment:
Thank you for that thought. Yes, I haven't thought about fires being one of God's good gifts. I've got a natural gas one going, which is also very comforting in this continuing cold.
I am glad you are enjoying your hearth.
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