Thursday, March 10, 2011

Flesh of His flesh...

But Christ promised that He--He, the man who has spoken with them, who has experienced all tribulations in His received human nature, and who can therefore have sympathy with us, as with men and His brethren--He will be with us in all our troubles also according to the nature by which He is our brother and we are flesh of His flesh. [BOC, FSD, VII, 87]

I find it very interesting...humorous...astounding...that I go searching for a Book of Concord quote on Jesus for some volunteer communications work and end up with this one...given the outpouring of my heart last night.

What does it mean that we are flesh of His flesh?  What does it mean that my body is redeemed?  What does it mean that He is my brother?  How is it that, though I am not quite sure what this means, I can find such utter comfort in these words?

After my appointment today, I wept on the phone with Bettina and built a fire that is still roaring merrily now, four hours later...and will be so until I retire this evening.  What will I do when it is too warm for a fire?  I will need more wood soon.

After feeling rather flummoxed from discovering that particular bit of the Book of Concord, I am wondering if I should just set aside all the things swirling about my head and heart and pick up Walther again.  I miss him.  His clarity.  His encouragement.  His solace.  Perhaps exactly what I am longing for is in the next evening lecture or the one after it?

Lord, I believe.  Help my unbelief!

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