Tuesday, September 14, 2004

I asked my best friend to pray for me today. If any others of you pray, I would be appreciative.

I sort of...well, actually...I...uhm...how to say this? In a nutshell, I snapped at the president of our organization during a meeting today. I felt a bit bad, but was still being ruled by my emotions and reaction to the circumstances surrounding the event next week and another one that now has to be rescheduled.

She heaped coals of fire upon my head by stopping by my office after hours while I was still slaving away to see if I was alright.

I truly am convicted over the vagaries of my emotions and reactions of late. Why should I allow other people that kind of power over my life?

God does not give us a spirit of timidity, but one of power and love and discipline, so Timothy writes.

I have not been timid of late about my feelings, but neither have I been loving or disciplined and I certainly have not been powerful in obedience to turning the other cheek to those who might wish to strike me.

It is no comfort that I was invited to my first charity golf tournament. Mostly likely I will not be able to go on Friday with all the work left before the ground breaking...but I do not really deserve such pleasure just now.

I need to become a paragon of patience, tranquility, equanimity, flexibility, kindness, gentleness, and graciousness first.

According to Luke, all things are possible through Christ.

After today, I would say that there much work that Christ has to do in this area of my life.

I will say, however, that a stressful, ugly day was finished by playing scrabble on-line with my best friend from the couch (and then green chair).

It is not about...truly...what we deserve. It is about the lovingkindnesses of the Lord.

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