Friday, April 08, 2005

When I logged on to my computer at work this morning, I had an email that truly raised my ire. Often we end up in these grand conversations via email with half information or people getting upset or emotional over something that is not.

But there I was growing angry because someone emailed me about something and copied the new president and made it sound as if I had forgotten or neglected something when in fact I had had no response from his department on the matter.

I was angry because it was yet another time of half information. I was angry because I had to work when talking with the new president and explaining why something wasn’t done or was yet to be done at not talking about how this person has dragged so much out. I had worked to be positive and this seemed negative to me.

At the time, I was still on the phone with my best friend because we commute together via Sprint PCS…or rather she commutes with me and I get to listen to her getting her and her child ready for the day while we chat.

Anyhow, in the midst of my anger, my friend quietly asked when was the last time that I prayed for him.

Yes, Lord, I hear you.

She then prayed for me and for him and for work and for our friendship.

From anger to blessing in one question.

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