Monday, April 25, 2005

I am not going to say that I had a horrible day.

I am not going to say that it was sheer will power that kept me there.

I am not going to say that I see no hope in a situation where both VP's see no value in my work or my expertise. Where I in a position where I could do my work apart from them it would be different...

I am not going to say I feel trapped.

Kashi and I took a long walk when I got home. He was thrilled to have an opportunity to establish his territory once again. Walking with him makes me chuckle because I live in a neighborhood of huge dogs that go crazy when my small dog and I walk by. They bark and yelp and push against their fences, while Kashi prefers the silent response...another mark.

When we came home, Fancy and Madison hung out on my head for a while, talking away. She is soooooo ready to mate while he is taking his time. All Fall I had to work to stop them mating so she wouldn't hurt herself constantly laying eggs. I guess I shouldn't have been so successful. Last Spring, he was wooing her, singing and preening. Now he's content to just nibble on the millet instead of her crest feathers.

I am ready for Friday.

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