Friday, January 02, 2009

I shall perish soon from the wicked combination of unalloyed joy of having B and her family in my home and the candle I am buring at both ends.

I wake early for my medicine and watch E sleep before drifting back to sleep. Then she wakes at least an HOUR before I wish her to, although she will wait for the clock to read 9:00 before hopping out of bed. No, she is not still as she waits. Then she goes to get Josh and causes a ruckus. Then breakfast, while I try very hard not to stomp down to the basement to haul B out of bed. I never knew she was a slower riser, one prone to much languid stretching before departing her bed. It is not that I would have her rise any faster, but by the time I am shoving food before her children, I am near bleary eyed and the day has yet to even begin.

I end my day with my daily late night fix of television (mostly Sci-Fi) after B and G have departed for their beds, followed by more watching of E sleep, and at least an hour of less-than-prudent reading.


And yet five days of the K family is barely a moment. I am already dreading Sunday evening. I need to focus on the time left!

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