Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I was a huddled mass of human misery at the doctor's office this morning. I cannot imagine that it was helpful to see me that way since she stopped asking me to move or stand or bend or shift after mere moments of grunting and fetched me a glass of water so that I could take the Celebrex I had so hopefully brought with me.

The upside of the appointment was the agreement that it seemed to be a good drug for me. Thus, I have a prescription for the next 13 months.

She also wants me to start physical therapy for my back. I am puzzled by that decision for a great hinderance to my world is the muscle fatigue from MS. Physical therapy is not going to help that. Still, I am on that campaign of at least trying to find an answer.

Only three days to go before the Celebrex should be built back up enough in my blood to alleviate much of my agony. I just love those little yellow and white pills...

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