Friday, February 20, 2009

I had an abolutely victory today at work, finally getting our new Donate Now button up on our website. Since I had to do battle with Dreamweaver, I consider it a great accomplishment as I am NOT a webdesigner.

You see, Dreamweaver has this pesky little default with images that are linked. It puts a box around them. In this case, it was ruining the look of the button that I had had to cajole my boss a bit to let me to the website in the first place. There is much skepticism that we will garner online donations, even though a significant portion of our support comes from individuals.

Anyhow, even though the border box on the image properties window was empty, it was actually not empty. By putting in a 0, I eliminted those borders and was able to successfully add the button to all the major pages of our website!

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