Monday, February 23, 2009

Kashi is sulking just now. I hope he forgives me before it is time to go to bed.

Despite his vehement protest, I gave him a bath this evening. He has not had one since before his surgery in August. Seriously, it was quite past time for him to be cleaned.

He trembles. He whimpers. He hides in the smallest space he can find. All this just at hearing the word "bath." Once in the tub, he is the most pitiful dog I have ever seen. It takes a steely will go through applying soap and water, which is nothing less than torture to him. The upshot of the whole experience is that my bathroom floor gets a good cleaning as well from the copious amounts of water Kashi manages to drip all over it.

Given that it is only 27 degrees outside right now, I am not sure bathing him was the best idea, but once he is dry, he will be soft and fluffy and smelling oh, so sweet!

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