Friday, September 29, 2017

11 Confessions...

I rarely link my blog on my Facebook wall because I feel like that is a bit ... prideful.  I mean, this isn't a professional endeavor.  It is just me merely musing.

I liked yesterday's post.  I thought I said something things clearly, instead of fumbling my way through them.  So, I linked it.  Only two likes/reactions.  No comments.  I find that crushing.

But my dear friend, who is a professional, daily posts links to her blog.  I find it crazily odd that she gets little likes/reactions and even less commentary.  Most of her posts, I think I am the only person who likes them, though her mother is quite faithful to like them.  It just boggles my mind.

I mean, what is an easier way to encourage your friend who is a writer than to like/respond to her professional blog posts?  To me, the answer is: nothing.  Nothing could possibly be easier to encourage my friend in her professional pursuits than to take the time to just click the button.  Heck, you could cheat and not even read it (though I highly recommend that you read her blog: ) and just click.  One second.  Maybe two if your cursor is not close to the button.  So, why don't her friends, especially the real world ones, encourage her in her work ... in her vulnerably in putting herself out there in the world in this public forum?

I know that it shouldn't matter if my Facebook Friends do not like my blog posts, but it does to me.  It is just more silence.  SIGH.

So, I've been a bit ... sad ... tonight.  I am also wildly exhausted from grocery shopping today.  I spent four hours on the to/from journey of the trip and tracking down the items on my list.  The good news, though, is that I got all the ingredients for a new dish.  Peruvian this time!  And I bought the things I needed to make more Chilorio.  That stuff is so darned tasty that I don't even need to eat it on a taco!  And I plan to try another new recipe, Lemon Greek Yogurt Pound Cake.  It has a lemon glaze and a lemon icing.  I think that might possibly be enough lemon.

Anyway, feeling a bit blue, so finding words tonight is hard.  I did, however, find another meme.  One that I love.  It is me.

This.  This is most certainly true.

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