Monday, October 09, 2006

Yesterday's game was heart rending. I had hope. I had multiple moments of joy. I had anguish. I moaned and groaned and grieved with the Cowboys. They should have won that game!

Last Friday, I decided to bring order to my dining table. I have been using it as a desk in my unemployment. I even went so far to add the leaf although it made the table a bit too large for the space. Anyhow, somehow a few piles of stuff bred into edge-to-edge coverage of paper. I finally bowed beneath the weight of my guilt and refused to continuing averting my eyes as I passed by the table on the way to the kitchen. After much effort, the majority of the surface is clean. I was rewarded today for my labors because my writing student needed help and she popped by with her mother to work. All three of us were able to sit around the table and talk about the form she needed to complete about herself.

I am stuck trying to write the next sermon in my novel. I am so darned intimidated that I have just doodled the last week away. I did manage to fit in those historical details I waxed poetically about here...but to be honest...I have been resting on my laurels and not plugging away at the keys because I am a wimp. I want so much for this story to be what I envision that I am fearful of ruining it when it comes to my sermons. I am, after all, not a preacher.

God, in His infinite lovingkindness, has moved the heart of my old prof who preaches when his pastor is out of town to offer any of his sermons for my text (I have them all on tape). However, even with such help available, I am trembling in my literary knees. Yep...I am a wimp.

I fell down the steps to the upper section of my deck tonight. I was trying to encourage Kashi to see to his business despite his fears of the dark and was so busy crooning sweet nothings to him that I missed the second step. I tell you, I think he was more surprised than I to find me sprawled at the bottom of the steps with the dew soaking quickly into my clothes and my right ankle screaming in protest to being twisted backward in the fall. I thought about just staying there. Some days, it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.

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