Saturday, November 15, 2008

I am blatantly stealing from my Pastor's blog, The Sober Peasant.

He references John Piper's article in World Magazine on the aftermath of the elections: Marry. Cry. Rejoice. Buy.

At the risk of completely distorting his message if you do not read the entire piece, I shall quote but one snippet:

"Let those who buy do it as though they had no goods. Christians earn, give, spend, and buy. But our treasure is in heaven. Car, house, books, computers, heirlooms—we possess them with a loose grip. If they are taken away, we feel that in a sense we did not have them. We are not here to possess the world. We are here to show, by how we use the world, that Christ is more precious than the world. "

The entire piece is such a beautifully written reminder of the need for perspective. In light of the rather silly joy I have taken in my GREEN phone, I have taken heed of this part.

Many joys have come to me via Sprint, chief among them being able to remain close to my dearest friends who are far away. One of them has simple wisdom that brings clarity to the churning emotions stemming from difficult circumstances. One of them texts me small reminders to heed not the untruth spoken in my life and remember instead the Truth of scripture. When under assault, those calls and texts are lifelines to me. One of them has struggled mightily and my phone has become a lifeline to her, one that helps her stay her hand at ending her life.

Equally important is the fact that my phone enables me to keep in touch with a father who is rapidly losing his fine mind to the wretched disease of Alzheimer's. Traveling to and from work I can check in with him, savoring one more moment before his mind is gone.

That's the value of Sprint to me.

And yet...and yet...I need to remember to keep perspective even on my my beloved phone. It may very well be a mighty tool for me, but it is still a pale reflection of true treasure.

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