Wednesday, November 16, 2011

At least the darned fly is dead...

I knew today would be hard.  Going to court always is.  Be a weak and weary soul, I tried to mitigate how I would feel by setting up a few things for after.

Sunday, I gave Amos his hair cut, but I waited on his bath.  I wanted to save the hours of post-bath snuggling with a sweet-smelling, soft, swaddled, snoring Amos for after.  I also laid a fire so that it was all ready to go as soon as I arrived home.  I saved the last of my boiled eggs, so that I could have a plate full of deviled eggs.  A fire, deviled eggs, and copious amounts of doggy draping about me.  All those things helped for after...but I still struggle mightily with how I feel.

Helpless. Frustrated.  Frightened.

Again, I sat through all the other cases before the woman's was called.  The judge noted nothing has been paid, she agreed that was so, he continued her case until December 7th.  Truly, the entire exchange must have taken ten seconds, if that.  My heart sank and I sat there wondering why I keep showing up.  Only.  Only I know why.  My presence there is the only reason the judge has not simply dismissed the case.

After, I talked with the city attorney.  Again, I got the advice that I needed to hire an attorney.  With what money?  And why would I do something that would cost more than the compensation?

I had this fleeting, rather unkind thought, as I sit here savoring the warm lump of puppy on me. What if I did find a lawyer to take my case, but instead of just suing the woman for the restitution I sue the City of Fort Wayne.  Silly, right?  Only this entire experience does not make sense to me.  There is a law against allowing dogs to run loose. There is a law against failing to control a dangerous animal.  Breaking those laws means a fine and restitution for someone who is harmed.  Only there is absolutely no enforcement of those laws beyond assessing a fine and restitution.  The fine is not enforced.  The restitution is not enforced.  There is no way to enforce collection.  So, really, the law is useless.  Or rather the law enforcement is useless.

It it not the City's job to keep its citizens safe?  Is it not the City's job to enforce it's laws in order to do so?  Am I not a citizen?  Do I not pay tax dollars for the City's care and protection?

No lawyer wants to take a pro-bono case or contingency case for a woman with little assets who owes another woman with little assets a small amount of money.  Would a lawyer take a case for a City with many assets that failed to enforce its laws, causing further frustration, hurt, and agony to one of its citizens?

SIGH.  There is no help.  There will be no money forthcoming to address the remaining bills. I do not matter to the woman. I do not matter to the court. I do not matter to the city.

I am still, rather stupidly terrified of a picture of a snarling pit bull on a t-shirt that is no longer before my face.  Only it still is.

There is this fly.  This extremely annoying fly has been bugging me (pun intended) for over three weeks.  It has defied every attempt I have made to kill it.  In an uncanny fashion, the fly has spent most of its time trying to hang out with me.  On me. On my computer. On the arm of the couch.  On Amos when he's on me.  Today, I finally smashed it into oblivion.

One thing.  One thing is better.  No more fly.

I am Yours, Lord.  Save me.


Christopher Esget said...

I've been fortunate to not suffer many injustices at the hands of law enforcement or courts. But there are two that stand out in my mind. One was a corrupt chief of police in a small town where I lived, who altered an accident report to make my wife, the victim, into the one at fault. The other was in the city of Fort Wayne. I was in a turning lane, and a man attempted to skip ahead of me on the left (where the oncoming traffic would be), struck me, and then had the audacity to sue me for damages to his car. The judge greeted my accuser as a friend, barely listened to my side of the story, and amazingly agreed with this man that driving on the left (instead of the right) was the custom in Fort Wayne! That was more than a decade ago now, and the amount of money it cost me was relatively small, but I still think of it whenever the parable of the unjust judge is told.

I hope you get justice, Myrtle. But your experience with Fort Wayne courts will have to be far better than mine if you're going to get it.

The one joy in all of this is to know that there is a Judge in the heavens who looks upon us with mercy.

Myrtle said...

I suppose I am not surprised to hear that...the whole good buddy aspect in court. Sad, though.

Twice, I have seen this particular judge just get up and walk out while someone was testifying. The bailiff jumped up both times and announced a recess, but the person was still talking, still answering a question when the judge simply left.

It really makes no sense to have laws that are not really enforced. That all you have to do to avoid paying fines and restitution is simply declare you will not pay them. That there is no accountability or consequence for a violent dog attack in which both a human and another dog are injured.

It has also been interesting, given the great degree people defend the breed, how many of the cases are for pit bulls.

Here's the pattern: violent dog call to animal control occurs. Owner is found with a non-licensed, non-vaccinated, non-altered pet. Tickets are written. People come to court still having not registered or vaccinated the pet, always claiming they have no idea why they were called to court even though they are required to sign the tickets. They are assessed the maximum fine and ordered to return. After one or more hearings, they are finally in compliance and the fines are automatically reduced, usually from $500 to $100 per offense. A status hearing is set for fine payment. More hearings pass without payment. Then the person magically falls off the docket.

I have been seeking justice since July. Even though the judge has the right to jail the woman until she starts paying, he is not going to do so. I fear that no justice will be forthcoming.

Thank you for the reminder of mercy. I need to hear that. Often.

ftwayne96 said...

December 7th is the date of the next hearing, huh? 70 years after Pearl Harbor. . . For some reason, I find that a bit of interesting serendipity. Never mind, though. I continue to pray that you will be granted justice and the Lord of mercy will uphold you through this long ordeal.