Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Poor pupper...

Amos was out of sorts today, and I am not sure why.

He started the day with early morning vomiting.  SIGH.  I very much dislike when he does that.  It is just that awful yellow bile.  I read that it happens when a dog hasn't eaten in a while.  I keep thinking that I will give him a midnight snack, but that would mean taking away from his dinner or both dinner and breakfast.  And I don't think that Amos would like that.  So, I've just dealt with the periodic early morning stomach upsettedness.

Only I'm not the one who deals with it, really.
I need to do better as a puppy momma.
I just am so unsure what to do.

At therapy, he started whimpering not even half-way through the session.  Normally, he just lets me know that it is time to go at the end of the session.  Seriously, his sense of timing is rather extraordinary.  But, today, I couldn't console him.  I tried and tried, but he kept whimpering and moving about just a few minutes after I would get him settled.

When we arrived home, I fed him and started a fire.  After I ate (and ate and ate and ate, having not really acclimated to this fasting thing yet), Amos curled up next to me on the sofa.  But after about an hour, he spent the next three whimpering and moving all about.

He got up and down off of the sofa several times.  He would beg for me to lift up the weighted blanket for him and then crawl back out from beneath it.  Again and again.  Finally, I got him settled in my lap, lying on his back, sawing logs.

The way I finally got him to settle was to rub his chest forever.  I would stop and then have to start again. And again.  Poor pupper.

I wish that I could talk with Amos.  I would like to know what was bothering him today.  I would like to be able to help calm his fears when he ventures into the great out of doors.  And I would like to be able to thank him for all he does for me.

I do worry a bit, about my beloved Fluffernutter.  He just has had some pesky things crop up in his body the past few years.  We're not really over the trauma of the massive allergic reaction to the flea bite and then the continuing allergic reaction and then the tape worm (ICK).  So, I am fervently hoping that Amos' upsettedness and discontent today was not a precursor to another spate of bodily illness.

Most fervently.

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