Thursday, November 08, 2018

Too much...

I did too much yesterday.  Far too much.

My neurology appointment was canceled, which was fine by me.  I wasn't up for going out a third day in a week.  I mean, Wednesday is church, which means going out.  But that was all I wanted to do.

Only.  Only I hadn't yet gone to fetch groceries for the month.  And I learned that Walgreens had the Shingrix vaccine in stock.  I thought to knock out a few errands since I was going out and hoped to be able to stay home and rest until my next appointment on Tuesday.

I had stopped by Walgreens on Tuesday, on the way home.  However, Walgreens requires a prescription for anyone under the age of 55.  I do not understand why.  The CDC has approved the vaccine for 50 and older.  And it is covered by Medicare.  I was disappointed that I had to wait longer.  I have been waiting two months already, being on three different waiting lists.  Supply is scare in Fort Wayne.

The woman who does the vaccines stepped out after I was at the register, so the vaccine took much longer than I planned.  Still, I was able to get to church on time.  Barely.  The woman gave me the shot near the top of my shoulder, instead of the back where my other vaccines have been given.  I don't have fat there!

After church, I fetched groceries, which meant coming come and carting them inside and putting them all away.  It also meant dividing the chicken and bacon into smaller portions before freezing them.  I also made some bacon bits.  And I emptied the dishwasher so that I could wash the dishes piled up in the sink.  In short, I used my shoulder quite a bit.

Too much.

Oh, my goodness!  Does my shoulder ever hurt!  The pain has been spreading downward, creating more of a sore spot as the day has worn on.  I've been taking Tylenol, which has blunted the pain a bit, but not enough.  It is good that I am doing nothing but resting today!

Since I was not able to do the MRI of my neck, I am going to have a CAT scan before my appointment is rescheduled.  I'd like to do that soon, but I would also like to not do anything for a while.  I am exhausted.

Is it weird that I was relieved I could not schedule the scan today since the order had not yet been faxed over?  I feel I should want to stay on top of the shocking in my hands.  And yet I am just so weary of everything.  I'd like a week or so before taking up the medical mantle once more.

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