Sunday, January 29, 2006

Still working.

I have completed thirteen tasks from my list. I believe that I will be able to finish 2 more before I must go to sleep so as not to start the week sleep deprived.

I suppose my list was too ambitious. I suppose it was a bit unrealistic. I suppose.

I am satisfied with the work I have done thus far, however. I do believe this weekend will make the coming weeks a bit easier for me. At least I hope it does.

I did ease the load a bit by playing (well...losing) two games of online Scrabble with my best friend. I worked while we played, but even I will admit that my productivity during that time was a bit lower! Doing so, however, was a great respite to my weekend.

My only accomplishment around the house was to make my bed. It hasn't been made in over a week. Of course, it hasn't been much slept in either. Still, I wanted at least my bedroom to be free from the chaos in my life just now.

Break over. It's back to work for me...

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