Monday, August 31, 2015

Super nova days...

I am glad that Becky's visit has come and gone, for I have been so ill the past few days that had she been here, she would have been sorely neglected.  My innards have been malfunctioning and standing for any length of time means getting ill and/or fainting.  It is a bit discouraging.

Last night, I was felled by a migraine.  When that started to ease, the innards misery turned from bearable to unbearable, with writhing so bad that I realized I had forgotten life before Erythromycin.  I sure did have a good run on that medication.  SIGH.

I have not really slept, so my head and eyes are aching from fatigue and I am having terrible abdominal pain, in addition to nausea and runny plumbing.  I think this is the first real bout of the Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth (SBBO) since before Erythromycin.  I have not yet eaten and do not actually want to eat, but my blood sugar is low and I am shaking and so I am writing about eating, but not actually eating yet because I do not want the on-going consequences of putting food in my body.

Friday, my neighbor fetched me baby carrots.  Sadly, I let a whole bag go bad somehow.  I am still a bit flummoxed about that.  But I was craving carrots and peanut butter.  Amos, it turns out, has decided that he likes baby carrots and peanut butter.  How do I know this?  Because he took advantage of one of my 1,001 trips to the bathroom to finish off my serving of baby carrots and peanut butter.

He is a fairly good puppy dog when it comes to at least letting me start my food alone.  And since it oft takes me two trips from the kitchen to carry my food to the living room (dish in one trip, drink in another), I can trust Amos to merely salivate over the dish I left behind to fetch my drink.  However, sometimes I do try to remember to take the drink first, so as not to tempt my little fluff ball goat.  Anyway, he usually just starts whimpering softly about the desire to pre-clean my dishes if I am not getting them ready for him (eating) fast enough.  On occasion, though, if I get up to tend to something, Amos will take this as permission to start his cleaning.  The rascal!

I do not want to encourage such blatant misbehavior in Amos, but I am not, at the moment, all that bothered about Amos finishing my food rather than myself.  It is one of those days when I long for the sun to go super nova so that I do not have to lie here enduring the ravages of dysautonomia upon my body.  SIGH.

I did distract myself with giving in to Amos' pestering over finally writing a post about how babies for your puppy dogs are priceless.  He spotted an article that gives specific reasons why toys are important for dogs.  Ever the helpful fellow, Amos has been wanting to pass on the information.  I have to admit, the article does have salient points and helped to assuage my lingering guilt over the funds I have spent on his babies.

Amos likes to distribute his babies about the house.  I prefer to pile them back into the dog bed he has never once used.

The moment I piled them all up to take this photo, Amos leapt of the couch to pick through the pile for some comfort.

I wonder what goes through his head as he chooses the baby to bring back to his perch.  Bumble Bee Baby is one of two from Kashi.  Amos has continued to lavish attention and affection upon both of them, though Bumble Bee Baby is more often his comfort companion than Lady Bug Baby.

Silly Amos, he gets so concerned when I muck about with his babies.  Just look at that expression!  You know those Don't Mess with Texas! signs?  Amos needs a Don't Mess with My Babies! sign, don't you think??

Silly puppy dog.  He gives me ever so much comfort, especially when my bodily misery is overwhelming.  I would never stoop so low as to deprive him of his own comfort ... even if it means tending to his babies with needle and thread many times over.

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