Friday, August 07, 2015

What is in a name...

Back in the dark ages, when Blogger was born, someone I knew gave me this blog and the domain that goes with the blog name, because she liked my writing.  I have had it ever since and it has morphed into something less for anyone else and more for me.  Although, to be honest, re-reading it upsets me because of how much I do not remember.

Anyway, after many years, I started paying for the domain myself because the original purchase ran out.  Only, with blogger, you do not need a domain.

The communications expert in me likes the idea of retaining the domain for branding of my words, only I am not a public figure and do not need branding.

The lost person in my likes the idea of retaining that which I have had for eons, only I do not have money to spend on things that are really needless.

Now, many things I buy most anyone could make the argument as being needless.  For example, do I really and truly need more than one FitBit flex band (I bought a few .99 cent ones from China)?  Probably not.  I gave up my resume domain that had all my professional work samples and my resume.  I gave up the little idea blogs that I have had over the years.  And now, with up for renewal once more, I am seriously thinking of letting it go and just hoping that anyone who reads this will understand that the read address is  After all, it is not like I am trying to cultivate an audience here.

Such strange thoughts to be having.

Today, I dragged myself off to Target for more prescriptions.  I went in my men's lounge pants because I am on Day Two of Beached Whale Status.  It struck me that I could post updates as to just how swollen my abdomen is by giving its girth in inches.  But that might be a bit depressing.  Suffice it to say that even though it is summer and my bedroom is warmer that is comfortable for me, I have been using the heating pad on my abdomen because of the constant pain.  And I am a bit hard pressed for clothing.  Even the extra large pants are tight.

I feel like Violet Beauregarde, even if I do not chew gum all the time and I have not recently visited Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.

Tim brought me eggs again and this time surprised me with ones from his "Myrtle" chicken.  Yes, I have my own chicken!  You see, you can buy chickens that lay a specific colored egg.  Can you guess which color they are???

The lighting stinks but I hope you can see that they are GREEN!

I've never known how to properly tend to a hydrangea, but this year was the first year that I cut it back for the winter.  I do not know if was the trim job or the copious amounts of rain, but when I went to righten the trash can that had been left on its side by the city workers, I was surprised to see that the hydrangea had doubled in size.  I cannot wait until it blooms!

The open faucet that was our sky for three months shut off.  So, Firewood Man did not have to mow this week.  The grass is all brown and barely grew at all.  Saved me a bit of money, but I sure did enjoy having a GREEN lawn all summer, instead of the usual late June-to-early September browning that we have.  Usually, the rain comes back in September.  I wonder if it will this year....

Anyway, back to names.

Do I start some sort of campaign to educate readers about changing how they navigate to this blog if they are typing in the domain name?  Or do I just assume they'd figure it out if they care to keep reading?  If you Google "merely musing," the first result is me; the second is not.  Does it matter??  What's in a name??

I think about the latter quite a bit these days.  I've gone by a nickname full time for nearly five years.  I like my nick name.  But sometimes I feel as if I am not real.  I do not like my given name and care not to go back to it.  Nor do I want a new nick name.  Mostly, I think I daydream about being one of those nameless people who go by symbols.  What would I use??

A frog?
A turtle?
The two birds photo that I used on Facebook and still use on Twitter and here?

My given name has a lot of pain behind it.  I am not interested in going backward.  But Myrtle also has its own wounds.  And Myrtle is someone who is ill.  Have you gotten, yet, that I do not want to be ill?

Do you think I could legally change my name to Amos' Puppy Momma???  Or Woman with Three Porches?  How about She Who Loves Her House?

What is in a name?

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