Saturday, October 17, 2015

Annoyance update...

Electrician Man is so good to me that I just don't deserve it!

His phone died today, and he didn't know it.  After charging it, he just saw my text and texted me back troubleshooting ideas.  Then he had me go to the basement, remove the panel, and call him so that he could hear the unit and I could describe what I saw when it tried to come on.  After some fancy over-the-phone tutorial-ing, Electrician Man guided me to the likely problem area. I found a disconnected wire that goes to the heat sensor.  Without that safety feature working, the unit automatically kicks off to prevent overheating and a fire.  I re-connected the wire and voila!  I HAVE HEAT!

How many service contractors would call just before 11:00 PM on a Saturday night to try and troubleshoot an HVAC problem??  I am (and have been for nearly five years) been every so blessed by Ben and his dedication to his vocation.

I repeat:  I HAVE HEAT!!!!

Excuse me, now, whilst I go sit atop the vent on the kitchen floor.  I plan to make a tent with a blanket and warm myself up.  I have been shivering and shaking all day!!

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