Sunday, October 25, 2015


I was watching a talk Michael Card was giving in which he began by adamantly and unabashedly proclaiming that he believes in the perfection of Jesus. Every word that Jesus spoke is perfect. And where Jesus remains silent, His silence, too, is perfect. I wanted to shout, "I do, too!" even though alone in the living room staring at a screen. 

Sometimes ... well ... I think there is a rather sad absence of appreciating the perfection of the Living Word as a whole.  I mean, a friend pointed out that she hears about Jesus being the perfect sacrifice, but all of Him, all of His existence as God and as God Incarnate is perfect. 

And I think this lack of appreciation for the perfection of the Word of God is, at least in part, the reason for a rather distressing lack of conviction in the sufficiency of the Word of God amongst Christians. We fumble around for our own words to banish despair or bathe wounds or assuage doubts instead of simply sharing/speaking the Word of God to others. 

Would that it were more lessonings on faith begin with adamant and unabashed proclamation of the perfection of Jesus.

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