Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I painted for T today. It was a bit of a pain for her to find all the stuff for me to use with her children clamoring for her attention and an ill husband home from work. Still, she managed to gather the materials before hustling the boys off to a player center to give her husband a quiet household in which to rest.

In short order, I popped the door off the hinges and taped off all the trim. There were two fixtures and a light I could not remove, so I used a child's paint brush I found to cut around the curved surfaces. Surprisingly, this worked rather well. Then it was a couple of hours of plying the roller to the walls and the brush to the corners. I think the room turned out fairly well, one of my better paint jobs.

I was glad I was able to help her. T is not one who accepts assistance very easily, although she is a loving and generous helper herself. In addition to painting, I organized her kitchen cabinets. Hopefully, they will work better for her now.

Have a list of home improvement projects? Give me a call, and I'll come for a visit. Have hammer will travel.

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