Monday, July 09, 2007

While I would like to complain about HOW STINKING HOT it is here, I know that those out West have had temperatures even higher that here. I could offer that the high humidity factor here makes us even with those folks in the STINKING HOT WEATHER FACTOR, but I will keep my opinions to myself. Although, should you desire, you can read about how heat affects folks with MS here.

While I will not go into the details of exactly how I punctured my eye with a needle, I will report that apparently the cornea closes rapidly and antibiotics and drops should put me to rights soon. Two ER visits over three days is too much. At least they were not both for Asthma.

On a more positive note, I Googled long and hard to self diagnose that weird noise/pressure/vibration in my right ear. Having decided it could be one of three problems (two of which required a doctor's visit), I choose the easiest remedy. I plugged my nose, closed my mouth, and breathed out hard, as if I were trying to clear my ears on an airplane flight. The first three times did nothing to ease the symptoms, but the fourth was the charm. I am reluctant to admit that my ear is back to normal lest I be tempting medical fate. However, working today was much, much easier without that constant distraction.

Have you seen the new Onstar commercial with Lucy Lu where she is talking on the phone and declines an invitation to spend the evening with Jack? Well, Jack is her dog! I can relate...

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