Thursday, August 02, 2007

I whacked myself in the side of my head with the metal part of a bungee strap this morning. I had thought it was secured when I bent over to tilt the cart so that I could begin wheeling it inside. I was wrong.

After sitting on the ground for about 15 minutes, quite dazed and quite worried, I managed to get up and reattach the strap. Getting inside was a bit of an endurance walk because of the pain radiating in my left temple. Of course, my co-workers were all for calling an ambulance. I was not.

I sat there, queasy and dizzy, coldly calculating the cost of the trip for treatment and running through my symptoms. I knew that if I had a serious head wound, like an internal bleed or a bad concussion, my vision would blur and I would grow more ill. So I waited.

Around 3:00, the dizziness had faded enough for me to drive home. I tumbled into bed and just arose. I think that after getting something to eat, going back to sleep is a good idea. I am more tired than I usually am and there is a substantial bruise on the side of my head.

Darn that strap...

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