Thursday, March 18, 2010

I have completed my first church bulletin (all but the final proof by someone else)!  I had to add another 4 pages to make it all fit, but I got to be a wee bit creative.  Plus, I like being useful.  Plain and simple.

To achieve creditable results, my friends, a minister must needs preach the Word of God in its truth and purity, without any adulteration whatsoever.  This is the first and foremost requisite for success.  Some preachers of our time hush certain teachings that are offensive to worldly people.  They do this with the good intention of not shocking their hearers.  But this is a great mistake.  You cannot make a person a true Christian by oratory, though it be ever so sublime and fervent, but only by the Word of God.  The Word of God alone produces repentance, faith, and godliness and preserves men therein unto the end. (111)

This is how Walther begins the Thirteenth Evening Lecture.  Had I not read a mote more, I would still have been blessed and bolstered.  This is why I savor Liturgy so, it is full to bursting of the Living Word!  And, you may not follow this, but what popped into my mind is that I should never be afraid of reading the Living Word, double-edged sword though it may be.  As Walther points out, Christ Himself proclaimed, "The words that I speak, they are spirit, and they are life."  (John 6:63)

Would that you, my dear friends, were, first of all, real Christians, filled with the ardent zeal for the truth.  (112)

Given that all truth, the only Truth, rests in the Living Word, this should be translated filled with the ardent zeal for Scripture, right? Walther makes that very point by stressing the importance of study, not merely the skill of oration and others that would benefit a pastor. ...great happenings took place and great results were achieved in the kingdom of God whenever great gifts and thorough learning were coupled with living faith. First and foremost I wish to point tot he Apostle Paul, who was the only scholar among the apostles. According to his own testimony, he labored more and accomplished more than the rest. Another instance is that of Luther, the great Reformer. If he had merely had a heroic faith and would not at the same time have been a great, highly gifts, and learned man, he would never have become the Reformer who gloriously accomplished the greatest work of his age. (113)

Something that comes to mind is that I am often twitted that we cannot all be scholars.  I'm not as smart as you; I cannot study like you do.  Well, as to the intelligence level, no matter how many may dismiss me, I am watching that dwindle by the day.  Damn disease.  Even so, when it comes to the Living Word, it is not man's intelligence that does the teaching but that of the Holy Spirit.  Yes, we need pastors and teachers, but we need first and foremost the Holy Spirit.  Reading aloud to yourself, letting the Word of God fill your mouth, rest on your tongue, fall from your lips, and fill your ears will teach you, no matter your IQ.  Great things can come of faith and study rather than faith alone.

I heard again today, much to my sorrow, that "I stopped reading the green sections."  I do not write for you.  I write for me, to work out my thoughts, to preserve the things I long to remember, knowing the days of remembering are dwindling, too.  If I were writing for anyone other than myself, I would censor far more than I do.  Splashed across these pages is far too much anguish, far too much emotion, far too much confusion for any public audience.  Would that were the case, I would paint a far different picture of myself...were perception the purpose.  But I would be lying if I did not admit it is my fervent hope that someone, somewhere might benefit from posting all these snippets from the Book of Concord, Luther, Walther, Klienig, Bonhoeffer, and the writings/sermons of those wonderful Internet pastors who share their ministry so freely.  For even before I read Walther proffer such, I believed quite strongly it is important to sit down every day and seek to study the Living Word, from reading to comparing to delving into doctrine in order that you might not merely be able to give a good defense to others but so that you might be armed against the one whose sole desire is to keep us from that quenching, sustaining font of Living Water.  It simply does not matter whether you are skilled in study or not, whether you have three degrees or none.  Studying is not a work.  It is the reception of a gift.  Who does not desire great and magnificent gifts?

Well, I will stop there, for there is much Law forthcoming.  I believe it will be best in small doses.  I shall savor first the admonition to not fear approaching the Living Word and to study.  The former made me dread this lecture and I should not do so.  The latter I take encourage from because study is that in which I revel most.

Though, lest I be remiss, did you see that historical comment that could be plucked up and set down in today's world, 125 years later?

Some preachers of our time hush certain teachings that are offensive to worldly people.  They do this with the good intention of not shocking their hearers.    But this is a great mistake. 

Ah, the dangers of trying to fit a message to your audience by making it relevant!  What could possibly be more relevant than the Holy Word of God?  But, as he has said again and again and again, there are not two theology, one of Law and one of Gospel.  There is but one theology:  Law and Gospel.  Without the Law, we would understand nothing of the Gospel.  Without Gospel, we would despair nigh unto death...literally and figuratively.  No seeker friendly services for me!

Pastor D begins each sermon with Grace, mercy and peace to you from God our Father and our Savior Jesus Christ.  He ends each with In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Pastor E does something similar.  The District president did.  Many of the ones I have listened to on line at least begin in the name of our Triune God.  I like this.  The words are not spoken lightly.  I suspect they are a prayer of sorts, if not a guard.  It is not just a man and his thoughts or questions standing there, but an undershepherd in the Office of Jesus Christ.  It is His Word that is going forth, grounded in the pure teaching handed down by the Church fathers, a powerful, healing Word that is promised not to return void.

The words that I speak, they are spirit, and they are life.

Best sermon snippet heard tonight as I worked:  Your father receives you back because He has already done so. ...In Jesus, that is how the Father receives you back.  In Jesus...His perfection, His glory, His purity.  He covers your shame with His honor.  (Pastor S)

Already done so.  I am already forgiven...even though...even though...because I am received in Jesus.

Lord I believe.  Help my unbelief!

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