Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Happy Birthday to my friend W.

Well, Kashi did it again!

There were some cookies out on the counter at work, so I took on to bring home for dinner. I thought I would savor the anticipation of having a sweet dessert all day and reward myself accordingly some time around now.

I arrived home, changed clothes, carried Kashi downstairs (he's still enmeshed in his stair phobia), and set him down. Normally, he rushes past me to the back door. I was thinking about my day and failed to notice that he wasn't hovering about my feet until it was too late.

Yes, you guessed it.

Even though I had wrapped the cookie up in three paper towels and put it at the very bottom of my bag, his "sixth" sense kicked in, and by the time I turned around and went back into the living room, he had it out and was munching away rather happily.

Will I ever learn?

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