Tuesday, April 07, 2009

For someone who is extremely sensitive to heat, I apparently cannot tolerate cold either. Well, let me rephrase that. I cannot tolerate cold in my house when it is also cold outside.

We have had roller coaster weather of late. Near freezing. Near sweltering. Near freezing.

What I have discovered is that if it 68 in my house and it is cold outside, I grow so chilled that my hands and feet and nose turn icy cold and I shiver deep within. Just about anyone who knows me would be in disbelief if they walked into my house right now. The thermostat is set at 78, and I wouldn't mind a few more degrees of heat. I am trying to restrain myself.

Funny that a person who panics when the thermostat reaches 72 in fear of the shakes, weakness, and cognitive dysfunction that will surely follow should the temperature raise any higher is actually ROASTING herself in the house these days.

Now, when it was sweltering outside yesterday, it was all I could do not to switch on the air-conditioning. I was trying to avoid doing so for the cold front that was due back here starting today. Seriously, we a have freeze warning tonight. What temperature did my thermostat read that gave rise to that cooling impetus? 72 degrees!

So, 72 in cold weather is too cold and 72 in warm weather is too warm...

Do you think my own internal thermostat is broken?

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